The international PhD Program Bioengineering – Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine combines academic research with 3 complementary dimensions: Clinical, Industrial and International.
MD’s with vast clinical experience will contribute to training and supervision of students, allowing their access to clinical environment (Hospital de Santa Marta - Cardiology, Hospital de Santa Maria - Hematology, Hospital Garcia de Orta - Urology, Hospital Egas Moniz – Orthopedics, Otorrinolaryngology, Neurology, Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Lisboa – Bone Marrow Transplantation, Hospital Curry Cabral – Intensive Care, Hospital Fernando Fonseca – Medicine IV, Hospital de São José - Pathology).
Several companies that pioneered the field of Regenerative Medicine in Portugal will contribute directly to training and supervision of students, as well as to host students in laboratory rotations.
ECBio – I&D em Biotecnologia, S.A.
Crioestaminal – Saúde e Tecnologia, S.A.
Ceramed – Medical Coatings
Cell2B – Advanced Therapeutics
The PhD Program is supported by a strong international network of top research groups, located in Europe and North America, and industrial affiliates that might host students for 6 to 18 months of their PhD studies. The participating international faculty and entrepreneurs are committed to provide lectures, host and co-supervise students.
University College London, UK
Loughborough University, UK
National Institute of Bioprocess Research and Training, Ireland
University of Padova and Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine, Italy
University of California, Berkeley
Georgia Institute of Technology
University of Wisconsin
University of Minnesota
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Northwestern University
Tulane University
University of Toronto
University of British Columbia