international PhD Program Bioengineering –
Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine comprises a 1st
year of Advanced Studies (60 ECTS)
followed by a 3-year research
project (180 ECTS).
The 1
year aims to provide state-of-the-art
theoretical background, advanced skills and hands-on experience in
Education-Research vectors:
Stem Cell Biology,
Stem Cell
Process Engineering and
Stem Cell-based Translational Medicine.
During the 1st
trimester students will be enrolled in 4 mandatory courses (M1-M4) (2-3 weeks
each) that introduce core concepts, tools and technologies involved in
Regenerative Medicine.
Stem Cell Biology
(6 ECTS)
Stem Cell Engineering
(6 ECTS)
M3. Translational Research, Clinical
Applications and Ethics
(6 ECTS)
During the 2nd
trimester, students shall select 3 additional out of 6 elective modules (2 weeks
each) to provide additional training in specific areas of Regenerative
Medicine: For the curricular year of 2016/17, the elective modules are the
Materials for Regenerative Medicine
(6 ECTS)
Animal Cell Technology
(6 ECTS)
E3. Gene Therapy
(6 ECTS)
In month 4, a
3-day Forum will be organized by the consortium to launch the 2 central
mandatory modules of practical training:
GoMed: New
Ventures for Regenerative Medicine
SEED projects (18
M4, teams
of students (4x3 students) will be challenged by bioenterpreneurs from
the consortium companies and MD’s, to develop business
projects aimed at creating new products or services in the area of Cell
Therapies and Regenerative Medicine. The students will attend a 1-week
course designed to promote an entrepreneurial go-to-market attitude and
provide insights on business development for Regenerative Medicine.
Teams will develop their projects during the 2nd
semester, under the
guidance of selected business developers.
projects are individual research projects that combine
interdisciplinary training in the 3 ER vectors, (2 mini-projects, 8
weeks each), to provide the student with experience in research methods
with science, engineering and clinical perspectives, and will be
developed in 2 different environments (research laboratories, hospitals
and/or industry) .These projects must have at their origin a clinical
challenge (proposed by consortium MDs) around which students shall
design their SEED projects. The PhD program will actively foster the
creation of these interdisciplinary
projects, aiming to strength
collaborations within the consortium and to build research teams that
will address the clinical challenges of Regenerative Medicine.
the 2nd
semester, following up the outcome of the SEED project, PhD project
proposals will be defined jointly by the students and the research
teams, including international placements (see Collaborations).
PhD program will continue for 36 months past the first curricular year.
Annual Program Retreat, the 1st year students will present and discuss
their PhD projects. They are expected to produce a full case for
his/her project, including a study of their scientific and economic
implications. In this retreat, 2nd/3rd
year students will present their
PhD progress reports.
Location of
the 1st
year of Advanced Studies: